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Bro had me and the beginning 

hah got me original and clever

hah got me original and clever

hah got me original and clever

It always shows me a "Sorry there was a problem with your settings" notification, i have tried this one on two computers and still got the same results.

Not exactly the "same results" the error message is trying to talk to you, if you try enough times. This game isn't supposed to work since "sgnittes" means "settings", you are stuck the settings ;)

But I plan to improve this, as to create a real game, instead of this experiment (soon!)

Clever... XD

You had me fooled.

very clever, sadly only a short time waster, and it seems there is no interest in building on the initial plot of the game.


Thanks, you understood the idea. I wanted to improve it as to create a real story by changing the settings but lack of time. I'll try to update the project soon :)

I'm trying everything and is not running

Not exactly the "same results" the error message is trying to talk to you, if you try enough times ;) This game isn't supposed to work since "sgnittes" means "settings", you are stuck the settings.

But I plan to improve this, as to create a real game, instead of this experiment (soon!)